by Jake Lessels
Once again, two-thousand rubber ducks will be swimming in kiddie pools during homecoming. For the second year in a row, the Con-Ducky Derby will not be held in the Contoocook River. The ducks will be floating in plastic kiddie pools at the high school on October 3.
“The water conditions weren’t safe,” said the Booster club’s co-president Margaret Cook. When the ducks would float down the river, over the dam and under the covered bridge, somebody had to catch them, and for the past couple years that job has gone to the varsity soccer players.
The derby is the major funding source the Booster Club has that benefits all the athletic teams according to Cook. Those goodie bags of candy given to teams at the end of every sports season are from the Booster Club. Money from the Booster club provides championship winning teams with their commemorative clothing and celebration cake and balloons. The spaghetti dinner is also put on by the Booster club.
Ducks may be purchased from all members of the fall sports teams. The prices are three dollars for one duck and ten dollars for five ducks. The ducks will be drawn at every half-time of all the games and during the cross-country meet. The prizes consist of $700 worth of fun prizes, including Margarita’s gift cards and Dick’s Sporting Goods gift cards. Prizes can reach up to $50 in value. Come out to see all your favorite Hawks teams beat Hillsboro-Deering and buy some ducks!