Traveling has become so expensive and most of time very complicated, especially when you are a young adult and want to travel the world. You may want to travel alone, and experience it all for yourself, or maybe you would like to go with a few friends. Well there is an easy way to travel inexpensively and get a cultural experience without worrying about where you are staying or how you're getting your next meal.
WWOOF, World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, is the best kind of trade-off you will ever get. All you do is pay for your flight, and they provide you with a warm home, food and company. In return, you give them a few hours of work each day on the farm, and you have weekends off. There is no certain length your stay needs to be, or how many people can go; and no limit on how much fun you can have. There really is no limit to where in the world you can go.
All you have to do is go on their website, and choose a country. Once you have picked a place, you read through the list of families and what they have to offer you. There is a huge range of things you can do, working in a gallery selling pottery, building a chicken coop, caring for the family kids, milking cows, collecting chicken eggs, making family meals or building stone walls. The possibilities are endless. Usually the families provide the WWOOFers with transportation so you can explore the surrounding cities or towns. Being a WWOOFer is one of the best ways to discover yourself, where you might want to live, or maybe what you want to do for the rest of your life. You never know, you might just find peace and serenity living on your own organic farm.