by Dorothy England
I remember being a preteen, thinking I was so cool, loudly exclaiming, ' shoo fly, don't bother me' to my younger brothers when I just couldn't handle their obnoxious comments and gross noises. Nowadays, I've matured, a little at least to handling my pet peeves and irritability. One thing that really disgusts me is seeing chewed up gum in a trash can. It used to be that I would get an uneasy feeling in my stomach and I would have to cover that disgusting ABC goo. Now though, I've figured how to deal...I just look away. Yeah, I might cringe at the sight, but at least it's only a second of feeling icky, and luckily I don't feel my lunch coming back to visit.
In an attempt to hopefully realize I wasn't the only one with pet peeves, I asked a few people to share their own pet peeves. Josie Therrien mentioned that she hates it when people get on her bed with dirty feet. She checks people's feet beforehand and if their feet are magnets for dirt, she asks them to wash their feet before they get on. When asked what would really annoy her concerning this issue, she said that if someone didn't obey and wash their feet, like her little cousins sometimes do. Bookie Fisk also has a pet peeve. He said it's really annoying when someone is clearly wrong but they just don't admit it and/or when someone is lying and it's obvious that it's untrue. He deals with it by confronting them and telling them what he thinks.
Even teachers have pet peeves, proving it's a two way street; we annoy them and they annoy us. Mr. Zipke admitted that he really dislikes it when people use the word senioritis and also when it's put into action.
I guess it's just another part of growing up, because at one time or another we're all going to have our buttons pushed. It's the times where we can just relax and take the time to enjoy ourselves, that's what we look forward to, and that's what makes us get through the day, pet peeves and all.