by: Dan Lux
If you are looking for a very scary slasher film series than Friday The Thirteenth is a great series for you. Friday The Thirteenth is the movie with the famous creepy Jason. Jason is the chap that is running around Blairstown, New Jersey looking for the young people that were at the camp where he drown to death. Of course “Jason” can’t be the one killing all these people because he is dead, which brings his mom into this. She took the death of her young son horrifying, and told the group of people that were at the camp that didn’t save her son, that “they would pay”. The mother of Jason goes off killing these young citizens with a mask so people wouldn’t be able to see it was her, but her son believe it was her son Jason. This movie is a well thought out movie in which they were able to come out with sequels that went well with this 1980 motion picture.