by Dorothy England
Saturday and Sunday, October 23 and 24 at 2 pm at the Hopkinton Cemetery the NH Antiquarian Society is presenting a walk through the cemetery. The cost is $5 for members and $7 for non-members which will benefit the the Hopkinton Historical Society. Viewers are encouraged to bring comfortable shoes and chairs if they would like to sit. Refreshments will be after the event at the Hopkinton Historical Society only minutes away from the Cemetery. There are 13 thespians re-enacting the work of Jeff Daizell who with the help of Roxanne Benzel, Natalie Duval, Carol Hooper, and Nacey Leavy researched the lives of 12 people who used to live in Hopkinton. The performance itself is very informational and insightful to Hopkinton's roots. The performance is directed by State Representative Christine Hamm who directed 'Our Town' a few years ago at the Hopkinton Cemetery.