by Dorothy England
Tuesday, November 11th, nine Seniors from Hopkinton High School met together with 5 Senior Citizens to have an introductory breakfast, concerning this year's Senior to Senior Project. Nini Allen, the founder of this organization, started this project 15 years ago in order to create interaction between Senior Citizens and Senior students. What started as a one-woman job evolved into a volunteer opportunity for students to partake in. The basic task of this project is for two Senior students to be paired up with a Senior Citizen and for these two students to alternate calling the Senior Citizen throughout the year. Allen admitted that some years were better than others but she has faith in this year and the students helping out.
"This project is beneficial because it gives the elderly a chance to have something to, someone to look forward to", says Emma Brown, a Senior participating in this project. Jessie Pennell, another volunteer, also mentions that it "combines different spirits and different generations".
The initial meeting went very well; laughter was heard across the cafeteria where it was held and many traits, including pets, family and interests were learned about each person involved. The goal of this project is to contribute to the community and form friendships between all ages.