Combined Forces = Friendly Outreach

By Dorothy England
Mrs. Sintros, with the help and assistance of Mr. Kelly, Mrs. Shaefer, Ms. Underwood and Mrs. Moskal, has combined Peer Outreach and Friends of Rachel groups from last year into one. She believes that a teacher is not only there to instruct, but also to facilitate a supportive and healthy environment. Mrs. Sintros is hoping to support students to get along with others in their community. She also wants to provide them with a safe and positive climate. Mrs. Sintros choose to combine the groups to increase the numbers of member. Also, both groups are similar in their goals and approaches to treating others with genuine kindness. It goes much deeper than that though; combined, both the community and school will be benefited. With the help of fundraisers and assemblies, a more positive environment will be created for everyone.
Last year, this was fulfilled. 'Make a Wish' Foundation and 'Save Darfur' were only some of the projects completed in the Middle school and High school last year. Some goals Mrs. Sintros hopes to achieve this year include mixing social groups, such as athletes and artists, studious and musical students together. This she hopes will create a friendly atmosphere where those who feel like they may not belong can participate in. As Mrs. Sintros mentioned, the sky is the limit. Bowling and movie nights can be organized for anyone and everyone to participate in. Thus, friends can be made; even a big brother/sister sort of approach can be established.
Excited for the coming year and the various possibilities this group can fulfill, Mrs. Sintros encourages students to reach out to others who may feel like they don't fit in. She wants people to be comfortable in saying hello to a new face and introducing themself. Mrs. Sintros mentioned that when she was in high school, there wasn't a Peer Outreach group, but there was a Social Awareness group at the past school she taught at, of which she was an advisor. At her college, the motto was 'men and women for others'. Obviously, Mrs. Sintros knows her stuff and is well suited for leading this group.
The first kickoff meeting will be Friday, October 3rd, at 7:30 in the morning, room 202. All students, grades 9-12 are welcomed to attend; middle school has their own group. Students will be permitted to include their own input and ideas for the group to do. So all who are able and willing should come. Who knows you could make a new friend in the process; the smallest interaction can make the biggest difference.