town votes yes
What’s proposed the main idea of the easement is to make the river front property of bohanan farm more accessible to public use. Which includes a small boat launch for people to use the river. The boat launch on the other side of the road is not available anymore because the owner of the land doesn’t want people to have access to the land. The easement is a 900,000-dollar project joined together with the town and the us government in bonds as well as private donations.
At the town meeting on December 5th they voted on the easement and the vote was passed 662 to 228. There was about 950 voters that listened to the whole thing some in the gym and they had to over flow into auditorium.
By Josh Bourassa
When the Weather Outside is Frightful...
It’s finally happened, kind of. The first snow of the season has finally fallen and it looks like the almost start of a white winter. Soon we will find some of the same old problems that all of us in New England are used to coming back to life. Shoveling the side walks, scraping ice off of the car, freezing on the way to school. But as we know, not all is terrible. Along with the nippily car rides and endless shoveling, there comes a great wonderful concept that’s known to all as the snow day. Delightfully random days in which you sleep in all your worries away and cook the most delicious warm breakfast. But the imposing question still remains, what are you going to do with the rest of your day?
No one would really call this dilemma a “problem” but there is defiantly some question as to what can you do surrounded in this winter wonderland. In the opinions of many, the best way to start it off is to sleep the problem off for a little while then get some brain power gathered over a grand hotel style breakfast. After all that you should be properly prepared to take on your day.
Here are some suggestions:
1- Wrap up in a warm blanket, grab a cup of cocoa, and watch the snow fall outside from inside your house
2- Paint the scenery that you see outside
3- Come up with some creative Christmas ornaments
4- If you play a portable instrument, go sit by a large window and let our creativity flow
1- Hit up the local mountain, or take a venture to another mountain for a crazy ski/snowboard trip
2- Sledding, snow men, anything of that nature
3- Build a bomb snow fort
1- Snowmobiling
2- Movie
Afghan Needs Money for 15-20 Years
By:Brandon Mansfield
Garlic Prices In China Soar
The Chinese have used garlic in their cooking and remedies for centuries. Known for its ability to boost the immune system, increase the appetite, and help clear up acne. But its not because of its exfoliating abilities that a high school in China’s eastern city of Hangzhou bought over 400 pounds of garlic to feed its student for lunch, reported the China Daily. No its to battle the swine flu epidemic which has nations biting nails world wide. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, with China being the worlds largest producer of garlic, about three fourths of the total; but with the global rescission farmers planted nearly half the amount than normal. This situation has some investors jumping for joy; one young man with no high school education had the foresight to buy enough garlic to fill a warehouse, now he has resold it for 15 times the wholesale price making him a millionaire. Gangs who had procured cash by other ill gotten means are now sinking their money into these bulbous goldmines. Economists worldwide expect this bubble to eventually burst, and someone is going to be left with more garlic then you could ever want. But for now whether you are looking for the H1N1 cure, a tasty additive to your meals, or just warding off unwanted sparkling vampires, garlic is the plant for you.
Hit the Slopes
Christmas Treats
by Caitlyn Madore
Gingerbread its self originated during the 11th century in Europe, being sold on the streets and at fairs. It wasn't until 19th century Germany though that gingerbread houses really started being produced. It all began with the publishing of the book "Hansel and Gretel" by the Grimm Brothers about children who were abandoned in the forest and were fortunate enough to come across a house made of only bread, cake, and candy. As a result, German's started making these delectable gingerbread houses, lebkuchenhaeusle, which became most popular during the Christmas season. When German’s started settling in North America, they brought the tradition of the gingerbread houses with them.
As seen in the book, “A Night before Christmas”, sugarplums were started as a delicacy in 16th century England during the Christmas season. They are what some call a comfit or a seed or nut that has been encrusted in sugar syrup up to twelve times. Most of the time a seed called Caraway was used because of the sweetness it left in your mouth and breath. Even though it’s debatable whether plums were ever actually apart of this treat, it is known that the name was fashioned because the sugary candy was about the same size as a plum.
As for the candy cane, there is a lot of controversy over the origin of this sweet treat. One theory is that in 1670 a choir master in Germany bent the sugary stick to represent a Shepards cane in order to keep the children occupied during a religious ceremony. The other theory is that the cane was bent to represent the letter "J" as a symbol for Jesus. No historical evidence however has been uncovered to prove either one of these hypotheses. It is a fact nonetheless that the famous stripes of red did not begin until sometime in the 19th century, although it is not known by whom. Once again, this tasteful tradition was brought over to America by Germen settlers.
2009-2010 Boston Celtics Review by Kyle Hatch
It is still very early in the season, with more than 75% of the season still remains, but the Celtics have the best record in the East division and look to hold on. It won’t be easy, but be sure to keep up with your local Boston Celtics!
Dear Bertha
Dear Bertha,
I absolutely love the holidays but when my relatives pile into my house, I can’t help but want to hide in my room until the New Year. How can I enjoy the holidays with my family without losing my mind?
Happy Hectic Holiday?
Dear Hectic,
I will admit, the holidays are a wonderful but chaotic time, which is why you should pace yourself this year. Family is easier to handle a little bit at a time. Instead of trying to fit all of the greeting into one day, spread it out so you can better appreciate your family. It also helps to take breaks and relax so you don’t have a family overload like most years. Remember that your family probably doesn’t try to be annoying or overly affectionate, they are just doing it because they love you and they want to cherish the time they have with you over the holidays.
Movie Review: Coco Avant Chanel (Coco Before Chanel)
Based on the title of the film and because it contains both Coco and Chanel, people might think that the movie is for fashion lovers only. However, there is another word in the title, before. The movie is more of a story of a young women’s life in France at the turn of the century, something for many people to enjoy. The movie is more aimed towards women, as it deals with a woman trying to overcome male oppression through clothing and business.
Audrey Tautou (The Da Vinci Code) stars as Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel. Her quirky character is easy to relate to and her acting is incredibly believable. The rest of the cast had excellent portrayals of their characters as well, although they would most likely be new faces to American viewers. The only part of the movie that takes away from it is the English subtitles. It can make it hard to understand the way that things are said, but the actor’s actions along with the words are done very well. It is not difficult to understand a joke or sarcastic comment, even with the lack of inflection in the written English words.
While the movie isn’t entirely about fashion, the costumes greatly add to the entire film. The character of Coco prefers looser, male-style clothing, which greatly a contrast with the rest of the women’s corseted, elaborately decorated gowns. The clash of clothing not only enhanced Coco’s character, but also makes the audience lean towards her ideas of fashion and help the audience to understand why she began a clothing revolution.
Coco Avant Chanel gets 5 stars.
New Season of Scrubs!
by Colleen Britain
For the past eight years Scrubs has been a hit drama. Running for eight seasons, and spanning over eight years of the character’s lives, viewers really got to know these characters. So last year when the show announced its ending, many people were upset. Though the show did its best to wrap the series up, many things were left unanswered. We didn’t know what would happen with the couples that just got together, and we didn’t know what would happen with the newest interns that we had grown to love.
When ABC announced that Scrubs was going to come back, many viewers were excited. We were going to find out what happened with those newfound relationships, and with the interns we had grown to love. All of the unanswered questions are going to be answered. But the new Scrubs is different. Instead of the old main characters there are going to be three new main characters. Some aspects of the old Scrubs will still be there though. The old characters will still be there, but they won’t be there as much.
Out of all of the changes there are two major ones. The first one being that the main character JD (played by Zach Braff) is not going to be the narrator anymore. For the first few episodes it will be him and the new main character Lucy (played by Kerri Bishe). “The idea is to slowly fade me out as the voice over for the show … and have her voice over as I left.” Commented Braff (as seen on the interview on the Scrubs ABC website).
The second major change is the now the characters are in medical school, as apposed to starting off being interns and progressing to attending doctors, with the old main characters being their teachers. The hope for this new take on the show is so that it might be able to go longer. This will make it so they can follow the characters from the time they are in medical school to the time they graduate and become doctors.
So far they have only filmed six episodes. If the show recieves good ratings then they will start filming more episodes. But for now they just have to sit and wait and see if the new version of Scrubs is as big of a hit and the old one was.
Debt in Dubai
by Katy White
Dubai (a city within the United Arab Emirates in the middle east) has become a subject of interest since their global investment company “Dubai World” has put their country, investors, and other countries in a panic. Dubai World is in a lot of debt that may not be fixed for close to a year. Investors in Dubai World were initially guaranteed their money back, but are quickly learning that is not the case. The government in Dubai has said that they are not responsible for the debt that Dubai World has landed them selves in, and therefore will not pay creditors back. Their economic crisis is causing world stock markets to decline, and is making it difficult for other countries with deficit to sell their own debt. Aba Dahbi (capital of the United Arab Emirates) has said it will help Dubai World with some of its debt, but certainly not all of it. Until the debt is repaid, our global markets will decline, some more than others.
How to Give the Best Gifts for the Holidays
When buying for another person, there’s a number one thing you always have to keep in mind, you’re buying for them and not you. When buying a gift for a friend or family member, make sure you know what they like. If you’re not sure, bring them out for a day at the mall and see what catches their eye. If you’re making them a home made gift there are a bunch of ideas that you can do. If you have a buddy at college you could always make them a cute corkboard with their favorite colors, you might even help them keep track of their stuff. If you have had a friend who's been there for you for forever, you’re bound to have countless memories and phrases that are in danger of being forgotten. You can make them a memory safe by starting with a wooden box, decorate and paint it yourself then fill it with papers, pictures, drawings, phrases and memories that will always make them laugh. If you have grandparents or elderly relatives they will always appreciate hand made cards and crafts. Making Christmas ornaments its quick, easy, and always fun. This great gift idea will reappear every Christmas on their tree, and always make them think of you. The way you can make one of these is by taking a clear glass bulb and pouring their favorite colors inside, swirl the paint, turn the bulb upside down and let the excess paint drip out. Once it dries you can tie a ribbon with a tag saying whatever will put a smile on their face. One thing to remember during the holidays is that buying gifts for people isn’t all about the price, it’s about the love and thought that makes it unforgettable.
Clergy Arrested for Rwandan Genocide
The events that unfolded and the lives lost in Rwanda, May 7th, 1994 are being laid in the hands of one man: Emmanuel Uwayezu. He was an educator and a priest, making this even more inhuman. In October Italian authorities arrested Uwayezu on charges for the deaths of eighty Tutsi students. On this day at the Kibeho College of Arts he ordered security and teachers to lock down the students and arrange their killings. It is unclear what lies in his fate or whether the Rwandan government will successfully extradite him for a trial. Uwayezu maintains his innocence claiming he took no part on genocide, in fact he says he tried saving the young lives that were massacred. However, it is said that he spread ethnic hatred throughout the school by blaming the nation’s troubles on the Tutsi’s.
School Daze Style
Our school isn’t quite known as being diverse, but one thing that can differentiate people other than their personality at our school is their style, or their attempt at a style. But how many people actually plan ahead what they’re going to wear for the next day and how many people just grab whatever’s clean and matches? In a recent poll of 25 people, 15 people said they don’t plan ahead, 7 people said they do plan ahead and 3 people sometimes they do and other times they don't. When asked, Sam Helrich admitted that sometimes he goes to school in what he slept in the previous night. One staff member who wished to remain anonymous said that she probably should put more effort into her style, but usually she goes with whatever’s clean. Some people only plan ahead when they know there’s going to be a special event going on. Josie Therrien said that’s what she does, dressing up for special days, like picture day. Other people like Sarah Metcalf said it depends how awake she is in the morning for how dressed up she gets. But whether it’s pre-prepared or just thrown on in an attempt to look presentable, it’s still a style and a trait that adds to each and every one of us. After all, most of us buy our own clothes, so in a way; we've already planned ahead.
Rather Fantastic
Claymation is making a comeback. Fantastic Mr. Fox, the newest claymation movie, is entertaining for an older audience. Although based on the Roald Dahl book, children may not enjoy the long dialogues between characters. The plot is fun with excellent music choices. Wes Anderson’s, the director, use of the Beach Boy’s song Heroes and Villains makes a fox chase scene exciting and lively.
Overall, Fantastic Mr. Fox may not be living up to the ninety-one percent that Rotten Tomatoes has given it. It is much closer to a seventy-five percent. It is an enjoyable film that deals with the midlife crisis of a fox. If you are looking for some of laughs and an enjoyable non-children’s movie, then Fantastic Mr. Fox is right for you.
Top Ten: Christmas Carols
As of this year there are hundreds of Christmas songs that people love to listen and sing to. But there are a select few songs that people can listen and sing over and over again. Here are what the families of the United States came up with:
1. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
2. Jingle Bells
3. Frosty The Snowman
4. The Christmas Song
5. White Christmas
6. Silent Night
7. Winter Wonderland
8. Feliz Navidad
9. We Wish You A Merry Christmas
10. Here Comes Santa Claus
It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas, Even in a Local Theatre
by Cristina White
This coming weekend a holiday tradition comes back to the Concord Auditorium. Dancers of all ages from Concord Dance Academy will be performing to many popular Holiday hits. Songs such as, "Winter Wonderland," "Frosty the Snowman," "Marshmallow World," and many, many others will be heard. The dancers have been preparing for their showcase since the start of the dance season in September.
For those of you who are not familiar with this event, it is not all about the dancing. Since the Holiday season is known to be about giving Concord Dance Academy has started their own Holiday traditions. The growing traditions currently include, a picture with Santa when you donate a Toy for Tots or a canned good to benefit the Friendly Kitchen. The benefits of the 50/50 raffle during the show are donated to the Friendly Kitchen. In the past over $3000 has been raised for the Friends of the Audi and $3500 for the Friendly Kitchen of Concord. The proceeds from the refreshment table will benefit the recent renovation projects the Audi is undergoing.
The performances take place Saturday, December 5 at 1pm and 6:30pm, and Sunday, December 6 at 1pm. If you wish to have a photo with Santa arrive an hour before with a canned good or an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots. Tickets are priced at $10 per ticket. A good price for quality dancing. Come on out and share a holiday experience this weekend. See you there!
Help Light Up Marklin Candle Sales for a Good Cause by Kyle Hatch
As you may know, the past small business projects were much more simple than this years candle theme. In the past the class has sold a variety of items, from duct tape flowers and wallets to slushies. This year the class gets to create something that has an actual demand on the market. Instead of learning business terms and ideas from a textbook, we get to learn them in sequence to this project. We have learned a giant mass of business vocabulary that, if learned in class, would take a month to learn. It is much more interesting and easier to learn that way than studying meaningless vocabulary definitions for a possible pop quiz; in small business working with Mr. Marklin, if you don’t understand the vocabulary you won’t understand how the candle business is run, so learning the material is much more essential.
Black Friday
One of the most historic and anticipated shopping days of the year is just around the corner, the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday. The official start of the holiday season. People across the United States start their day before dawn and wait in the bone chilling cold just to buy the newest and most sought after products of the season.
Major retailers offer massive discounts on an assortment of products; TVs, computers, clothing, toys, and more. People research weeks in advance, planning their attack; lists of stores to hit; products desired at each store in order of importance; and the gathering of teams to grab everything on the shopping list as quick as possible. It is all part of the Black Friday experience.
Now the name of this day may seem odd, but it was chosen with common sense. It was coined back in the nineteenth century when a retailer finally made enough income to break out of the red zone and into the black zone. In other words, a profit was finally made. This was when the by-hand accounting system was used. Red ink indicated a loss and black ink indicated a gain. Even though this system is no longer used, the legacy of Black Friday still lives on today.
I and Love and You, the album review
Moody, serious, and more sophisticated are all words that were used to describe “I and Love and You” the new album released on September 29, 2009 by the Avett Brothers. You know what its possible that the Avett Brothers have earned the right to have become more matured. After thirteen studio albums and a decade of self-promoting their shows and albums, the recognition they have been searching for has finally begun to arrive. The album has been hailed by fans as “an album of the year”, which isn’t to far off. The album has a slow start with ballad tunes such as “I and Love and You”; the album progress onto tunes such as “Head Full Of Doubt/Road Full Of Promise” with lyrics that do more than please the ear, they make you stop and think about the meaning.
There's a darkness upon me that's flooded in light
In the fine print they tell me what's wrong and what's right
And it comes in black and it comes in white
And I'm frightened by those that don't see it
When nothing is owed or deserved or expected
And your life doesn't change by the man that's elected
If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected
Decide what to be and go be it.
By the end the song tempo picks up and songs such as “Kick Drum Heart” and “Slight Figure Of Speech” live up to the bands folk-punk and grunge grass categorizations. Overall the album is fantastic, most certainly worth taking a look at regardless of your musical tastes.
Gimme Shelter
The sidewalk in front of the state house in Concord last Friday, November 6 was filled with more than one hundred people. These people came from all over New Hampshire, from various peace groups and church organizations. This being its 12th annual gathering, Gimme Shelter has been constantly growing in popularity. The event is to gain awareness of homelessness in the Concord and Manchester area. The hundred-something group started by making their shelters fro the night, they would be sleeping in cardboard structures to simulate the real experiences that actual homeless people go through every night.
Throughout the night, several people spoke to the semi-circle formed on the cold cement. These people ranged from the heads of the event to New England College Peace Club students and also a few of the homeless that were in attendance. The masterminds, Marta Yager and Molly Messenger behind the operation told the crowd what their group, the American Friends Service Committee, does for the homeless population in New Hampshire. The AFSC helps families get into homes, helping homeless on the streets with food and many more great tasks. Some students from NEC read poems about the struggles that homeless people face everyday. There were several homeless and recovering homeless people that told their stories and stories of fellow homeless friends that had lost their life to the streets
At around six in the morning, the boxes started to stir, people emerged, chilled to the bone. Many of the event goers will likely never forget this experience and every time they go by the state house they can lean over to say to their friend, I’ve slept there before. Your friend will probably say “What? Are you nuts?” And you will tell them it was for a good cause and it was a lot of fun.
Modern Warfare 2 Review
As for Matt Henrikson a senior, along with all the other kids from Hopkinton say, “I usually don’t like shooting games, but this game is sick!” Lately Modern Warfare 2 has been the game to talk about. This is the next game to buy whether you like shooting games or not. You will be hooked in because of the quality and action itself.
Colin Amoth
A beautiful mosaic of world sounds and political rap is just the beginning in trying to describe Maya Arulpragasam’s (a.k.a. MIA) first full-length album. The story of the daughter of a Sir-Lankan freedom fighter can be heard through the dance hall of exotic instruments and heavy electro beats. Playful political lyrics spark on and off in between catchy rhymes and clever play-on-words. And even with all the heart-breaking commentary on issues, like sweat shops in her hometown, she still keeps it interesting and lively; maybe you’ll even feel the urge to dance, which isn’t uncommon. If there is one thing that is absolutely certain about this album, it is that she refuses to stay silent and we are glad for the rebellion.
One Act Plays
by Katy White
The Hopkinton High School drama club is putting on four one-act plays on Friday November 20th and Saturday November 21st. The plays will take place in the auditorium at Hopkinton High School, and they will begin at 8:00 pm on both nights. The admission is 5$ per person and the senior citizen discount is 3$.
The plays that will be performed are: "Nobody Sleeps," "Private Eye," "How Does A Thing Like That Get Started?," and "Anybody For Tea?" Each play will last about 25-30 minutes, and there will be a brief intermission after the first two plays.
Junior Olivia Wheat said she likes drama club because it's a fun place to hang out with friends and because she enjoys theater. Fans of Wheat can see her as she plays the title character in "Private Eye", a comical outlook of what it's like to be a female private eye investigating a psycho wealthy brat.
Blood Drive At Hopkinton High
by Katy White
On Friday November 6th the Hopkinton High School National Honors Society hosted a blood drive. Any one 17 years or older was eligible to donate blood. Students who were younger and had a permission slip signed by their legal guardians were also allowed to donate.
The process was somewhat complicated. First, you had to show a current form of I.D. and you had to fill out various forms verifying who you were, and how your health was. After completing the forms, your blood would be tested for iron levels. Once it was confirmed that there was enough iron in your blood, your blood could be drawn.
Even though the process was complicated and made some people squeamish, it was very rewarding. It is estimated that each person who donated blood saved three lives.
A New Kind of Senioritis
Tuesday, November 11th, nine Seniors from Hopkinton High School met together with 5 Senior Citizens to have an introductory breakfast, concerning this year's Senior to Senior Project. Nini Allen, the founder of this organization, started this project 15 years ago in order to create interaction between Senior Citizens and Senior students. What started as a one-woman job evolved into a volunteer opportunity for students to partake in. The basic task of this project is for two Senior students to be paired up with a Senior Citizen and for these two students to alternate calling the Senior Citizen throughout the year. Allen admitted that some years were better than others but she has faith in this year and the students helping out.
"This project is beneficial because it gives the elderly a chance to have something to, someone to look forward to", says Emma Brown, a Senior participating in this project. Jessie Pennell, another volunteer, also mentions that it "combines different spirits and different generations".
The initial meeting went very well; laughter was heard across the cafeteria where it was held and many traits, including pets, family and interests were learned about each person involved. The goal of this project is to contribute to the community and form friendships between all ages.
Eagles die and Hawks fly

Going into Sundays Championship game as the underdogs. The three time defending state champs had nothing but sure confidence and continuous mind aspects of what was to be expected from Coach Zipkie. Players of the squad Knew what was expected out of a heavily powered Gilford Club, that had went 19-0 all season long. their Team drew up plans to strike down the Three Time defending state champs and win for the first Time in 5 years. In comparison to professional sports, Gilford is seen as the new York Yankees of NHIAA Class M having won the msot Championship tittles and have had their rivals, such as Hopkinton. This was truly the match everybody wanted to see, the two Best Soccer teams In class M dueling it out for the tittle and thats what the state got.
For the first half nothing came out of the gates as the two teams had their chances and misses going into the second half tied at 0-0.Gilfords relentless attack payed off when Steffan Defregger's divingn header placed Gilford up 1-0. But Just moments later the Hawks crawled out of their nest and layed an egg on Gilford's doorstep with a goal by Billy French, assisted By carter Rouleau. The Game was scoreless until the 67th minuet when the unexpected corner
Turned into an unexpected goal as Kris Abildgaard put a bullet in Gilfords heart. That bullet seemed to weaken Gilford who bled away in infamy with time running out and behind for the first time all season. Both the Players on the field and the Bench could feel the tensions building and the profound feeling of victory was in every Hopkinton players mind . With the sudden tweek of the officials whistle, an eruption of cheers and chants roared from the stands and the bench as the Hawks rushed to embrace each other on the field. with a traditional celebration of a team pig pile it was a memorable sight for both the fans and the team. Gilford was first honored in the trophy presentation with the runner up medals ,followed by the Presentation of the Championship plaque and the championship medals awarded to the Hopkinton Hawks . after several minuets of embracing the victory and sharing it with fans and teammates, the Hawks gathered their soccer remains and deployed on the bus bound for home.
For the Past Four years the Boys varsity soccer team has brought a sense of Pride and joy to the School and the town Hopkinton. Many were their to support the Hawks like they had done many times before in previous state championship runs, all accept one person who tragically died last spring in a kayaking Trip.
This man was one of the most supportive Fans ever to support hopkinton's soccer programs as well as the Hopkinton High school. he made many memories for People of hopkinton and made his mark in lives of so many. this article Is dedicated to
Hamilton "Toby" Wood
Toto, They Don’t Look Like Geeks Anymore
by Mimi Ramsdell
Although the 2010 Robotics Competition Season does not start officially until January 9th, Hopkinton’s Team Oz-Ram has already started preparing for battle. While the typical person imagines the robotics team as a group of glasses wearing- pocket protector using geeks that also make up the Chess Club, the reality is quite the contrary. Hopkinton’s Robotics Team is compiled of a surprisingly normal group of high school students from Hopkinton and John Stark. Virtually none of the team members fit into the stereotypical mold of a geek, they all just enjoy expressing their inner nerd. Furthermore, as Coach Renald explains, “we need everybody’s help in completing the robot; anybody can be an important element in the Robotics Team.” Renald further expands on how past participators in the club could care less about the actual building of the robot, but were crucial parts in the financial, web design, and artistic parts of the program.
The point of the Team is to build a robot from scratch with the capabilities of competing in the Granite State Regional Competition starting on March 4th. While the group can start at any time assembling the robot, the actual task the robot must compete is not announced until six weeks before the competition. The task differs from year to year and the robot is judged on various aspects, not just its performance. The majority of the work that is done before the task is released is fundraising. Building a robot is a rather expensive hobby and requires many grants. Currently, Team Oz-Ram, named after their first sponsor and inspired their Wizard of Oz Theme, is putting together presentations for different sponsors, but most importantly waiting to hear back from a large potential sponsor, NASA.
Robotics is similar to sports and other clubs due to the comradely that is built during the season. Every person brings a unique ability to the team, which is reflected in the robot. Tucker Gaskill, a Junior and three year veteran on Robotics, enjoys the various experiences that the Team offers. Last year his favorite part was being able to attend an additional competition in Florida where they had the privilege of watching a NASA shuttle take off, in VIP seating. This year the Team hopes to travel to either Boston or Atlanta for an additional competition. The team is optimistic about their abilities this year and looks forward to another great season.
Dear Bertha
Dear Bertha,
I’ve recently begun the college application process, and I’ve realized that my list of extracurriculars is very small. Most people say that colleges like applicants to be involved in lot of activities, so I was wondering what I could do to boost up my extra curriculars, or what I could do to boost up my application in general.
College Bound?
Dear College Bound,
First of all, don’t fret; you still have time to beef up your application. Most colleges allow you to send in your applications up until January. So in the time between then and now, try and get involved. One thing that colleges like to see is progress. So join some things now, but do activities that you are interested in. The last thing colleges want to see is getting involved just so your application will be better, because colleges can see right through it.
For the readers that are not seniors yet, this is a good learning opportunity. Colleges do like to see well-rounded applicants. This means that they want to see art classes and science classes and English classes. Outside the classroom they like to see sports and volunteering, and if you personally think you can manage it, a job. If they see that you have had all of these things while still keeping up your grades up, they will be very impressed. In saying this, don’t overwhelm yourself. Do a little bit of everything, and become the well-rounded person that colleges want to see.
Sincerely, Bertha
Ask Bertha
Dear Bertha,
I tend to look for the positive things in life, but my mom is the exact opposite. It gets really frustrating to have her always point out the negative things, when I am trying to find the positive. Lately her pessimistic lifestyle is starting to rub off on me. What can I do to avoid becoming like her?
Debbie Downer Daughter
Dear Debbie Downer Daughter,
The most important thing in life is to be true to yourself, and it’s good that you want to continue to do so. However, moms often have a large effect on the way their daughters act. Keep thinking positive the way you always have, and try to either ignore your mom’s negative comments, don’t focus on them, or find the positive in her negative ideas. If this doesn’t work, try sitting down and having a heart-to-heart with your mom about the situation. Let her know that the best thing for you is to be optimistic, and that her pessimism is getting you down. Make sure she knows that you love her, but her pessimism is not the best thing for you. Not telling your mom could increase the tension in your relationship. Whatever happens, stay true to your optimistic self, and don’t let your mom stray from her true self.
Your Invitation Has Arrived... Harry Potter: The Exhibition

by Cristina White
Escaping from the world of Hogwarts and off to Boston the Harry Potter Exhibition is an adventure for all. Whether you are an avid Harry Potter fan or someone who has heard nothing of it this exhibit is for you. Now is our chance to catch a glimpse of the Hogwarts magic. Recently, Harry Potter: The Exhibition has made its way to Boston, MA.
In this magical exhibit you get the opportunity to "live the life" of a Hogwarts student. Exhibits inspired by film set pieces such as the Great Hall, Hagrid's Hut, and the Gryffindor Common Room. Other set pieces include, a five hundred pound, ten foot tall chess piece, the Weasley's car, and some of Harry's personal belongings. Over two hundred of the films costumes will be on display: Hagrid's clothing, various Quidditch uniforms, and numerous wizard robes.
Time is flying away so hop on your Nimbus 3000 and head to the Museum of Science in Boston. Harry Potter: The Expedition stays in New England until February 21, 2010.

New Z on the Block
I find that this z block is useless and very inconvenient. Most of the teachers that I have class with use all 90 minutes that each block is. Shortening each block causes several things to happen. So far this block has been confusing because of the time changes. Also, for those teachers who use the entire 90 minutes will want to use the 90 minutes every day in all of their classes. Before the z block happened every class will normally start roughly 5 minutes late because of human nature and other little things that teachers have to take care of. That leaves 85 minutes of learning. When z block was thrown into the schedule it would take maybe 10 minutes to start class because of the confusion and because some of the teachers would try to squeeze in one more thing or two about the subject. This leaves roughly 70 minutes of learning, 15 less minutes for learning. For some classes, for example Calculus, we will start class before 8:00 because there is a lot to learn in a short amount of time. AP Physics is the same thing. We need the entire 90 minutes not 70.
When we had z block, the first day I tried to use it by studying for my SATs. I found that 40 minutes was not enough time to actually get into studying. I gave up trying to do anything on the second day because overall 40 minutes is a waste of time. Most of the students have at-least or should have 1 study hall in the 2 day rotation. Those study halls are actually useful and helpful because we have time to put our mind into what we need to do. Keeping these is all a student needs; not a 40 minute z block.
Holiday Word Search
"Thanksgiving" "Christmas" "Hanukah" "New Year"
"Presents" "Gifts" "Fun" "Santa Claus"
"White masked killer that thrills Yearley"

A historical summary of the most popular classic horror sagas of All Time! ‘Halloween”
By Tim Glanville
Halloween is a time for Dressing up in costumes, parties, group gatherings, pumpkin jack o lanterns and the traditional Horror movie marathon. Year after year it becomes a tradition and annual thing for many people to do on Halloween, watching Horror Movies. From Classics such as Phantom of the Opera, The wolfman, Dracula, Frankenstein, psycho and The Exorcise. They become a key aspect to the Holiday and meaning of Halloween. Today it’s a Tradition just beginning, with a new generation of Movie goers who see the classics that are frightening today as they were years ago.
One of the most popular horror classics of all time “Halloween” is surveyed to be the most watched horror movie series on Halloween. Beginning with the Release of the first Film in 1978 on Halloween of that year. Directed By Horror/ Sci Fi Producer John Carpenter, “Halloween” became an instant horror classic going on to gross the most money of any independent film ever. Staring Actress Jamie Lee Curtis and Veteran movie actor Donald Pleasance, the film had nothing but sure success for Horror. It lead to an Era of Slasher films that Rose in the 80’s. this Horror Genre was not seen since “Psycho”, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, and “Black Christmas” all films that came out before “Halloween.” With all the success of the first film it was continued on with the sequel “Halloween 2” in 1981 that Became another Classic in the series. Although the most recognized Horror film of the year was “An American Werewolf in London” that won the 1981 Saturn Award for Best Horror Film and an Academy Award for Makeup, “Halloween 2” still gained a lot of success. Unfortunately John Carpenter went on to do other films such as the thing and the Fog leaving the Michel Myers story abandon for almost 7 years. The series continued on with the release “Halloween 3 Season of the Witch” a year later. The Film became a negative impact on the movie series, having nothing to do with the story Line of the main Character Michael Myers. It brought Dislikes and Hates to Fans of “Halloween” and is not favored as the original movies. During the period of Halloweens absence, other horror films such as “Friday the 13th”, “creep show” and “A nightmare on Elm Street” were in the spotlight of Horror with their significant success and marks on Horror film. Keeping similar elements of horror they made some of the most well known Horror classics alongside “Halloween.” In 1988 John Carpenters collaborator Mustapha Akkad brought back to life Michael Myers and the series continued on again with the Story of the Psychopathic killer in ”Halloween 4 the Return of Michael Myers.” The film Reunited Actor Donald Pleasance as the only original actor in the movie series. The film went onto gross out 5 million overall at the box office ranking 5th in the series. The film got moderate critic feed back as there were some dislikes in the 4th film, but the film kept some original elements seen in the first two films that gained it success. With its mustered success, Akaka quickly worked on the 5th film “The Revenge of Michael Myers” that released a year later in 1989. The Film
Earned $5, 0093,485 in 1,495 theaters in The United States, but quickly fell from the box office with a mere 11,642,254 becoming one of the least successful “Halloween” films in the series. Most reviews to “Halloween 5” were good and bad, critics believed the rushed script, and irritating characters are the reason. The release of “Halloween 4” on video ran into the release of Halloween 5 in theaters confusing the viewers to understand the storyline of the sequels to the original film. The movie series continued on with “Halloween 6 The Curse of Michael Myers” that released on September 29, 1995. Bringing in $7,308,529 during the opening weekend gross, being the first film in the series to beat “Halloween 2’s” opening weekend gross. The film went on to gross a total of $15,116,634 at the U.S. box office. On February 2 1995 “Halloween’s” long time actor Donald Pleasence Died at the age of 75 in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France hospital from complications after heart valve replacement surgery. The film was dedicated to him in honor of his acting career in the “Halloween” Films. His dedication is seen in the end of the film. With the success gained, the return of Jamie Lee Curtis brought “Halloween 7 H20” that came out two years later even more success. The film was indeed another classic becoming the second highest grossing film in the Halloween series, just behind Rob Zombie’s remake of the first film grossing over $21 million at the box office. In 2002 “Halloween 8 Resurrection” came out with extremely poor reception only grossing in $12,292,121. The two original films were remade by horror director Rob Zombie that were slightly successful, but did not surpass the original films. For almost 30 years the “Halloween” saga has changed horror as well as the industry of independent films forever. As for director John Carpenter a small budget film became a success beyond one man’s wildest dreams, unexpectedly connected the world to traditions and rituals of Halloween past and yet changed the holiday to what it is today. Forever people will know one movie when it comes to mind with horror and that’s “Halloween” and the man Michael Meyers.
Teachers Taking The Fall For Safety Net
The recent emergency school board meeting concerning the teachers contract has raised a lot of questions concerning the make up and workings of the proposed contract.
In proposed two year contract teachers would have seen no pay increases the first year. In the second year there were three possibilities of pay increase. Longevity is the first possible option, for teachers who had reached their maximum step, meaning that they cannot advance further with continuing their education or with pay increases. They would have been rewarded with a one-time cost of living adjustment. The second option is to move up in step, which essentially represents a pay increase. The third option is if a teacher did not get a positive increase from either of the previous options they would have received a one time cost of living adjustment of around five hundred dollars.
Additionally teachers would have had the option to take either continuing education classes or use one thousand dollars (about the cost of a class at UNH) that is already set aside in a fund and use it to purchase a laptop. Mrs. Charron, a special education teacher at Hopkinton as well as a member of the contract negotiation team, said, “The idea behind this is to help get laptops into the hands of all teachers.” This is important in a world where technology is increasingly used in classroom education.
In order to become eligible the teachers would have been selected in a lottery system and only a certain amount of teachers would be able to access these funds each year. In addition they needed be able to show how they will use it to further their teaching and classroom experiences.
The laptops would have remained the property of the school district for three years, and after that the computers would have became the teacher’s property. It is not clear if programs downloaded onto the computers would remain on the computers, if the teachers were to leave the district.
The contract stated that if teachers do not call in sick during the school year they would receive a check equivalent to 2½ days pay. This would have worked out to being cheaper than the cost of paying a substitute teacher to come in for the same amount of time.
Had this contract been passed it would have caused about a 21-cent increase per one thousand dollars in taxes. This would have been the “smallest tax increase in a long time,” according to Mrs. Charron.
Mrs. Charron as well as many of her fellow co-workers believed that the article published in the Concord Monitor may have led to the confusion of many voters at the meeting. As well, an un-clear understanding of the Evergreen law may have had its own negative effects. The Evergreen Law is a state law, which states the unions working without a contact will follow the same conditions as their previous contract if it was established before 2008. “Many voters may have had the idea that, if there is no contract then there are no bonus, this is simply not true,” said Charron. Some voters feel that “Evergreen is taking away the towns right to local government”.
Having an outdated contract dissuades teachers from remaining in the district as well as scares new teachers from coming to work in the district.
“It’s hard to listen to how people think teachers are being greedy and selfish,” said Charron, “but many of the teachers affected live in Hopkinton and pay the same taxes as the voters.”
The Pumpkins Will Fly
The predator, pot protesters, and of coarse pumpkins, all were present for Keene’s 19th annual Pumpkin Festival. On October 17th, 2009, the main streets of Keene were engulfed in a flood of partakers and pedestrians. A menacing wall of over fifty pumpkins stood as a beacon to mark the entrance into the pumpkin festival. New comers to the event stared in awe at this impressive display, but that was only the beginning.
29,762 was the final count of all the pumpkins and that number seemed to be modest. The record, so far, has been held by Boston since 2003. The current record is 30,128 and was accomplished in Boston. So by less than 400 Keene came close. As far as the eye could see, lit pumpkins. Pumpkins took over the sides of the roads, the branches of trees, shelves on racks; anywhere people could place them was overtaken by orange melons of all shapes and sizes.
Along with the mass amount of people crowding the streets another group was gathering. At around 4 o’clock police from every direction started to mosey down to one location pretty close to the main wall of pumpkins. The infamous “legalizer’s” of Keene showed up to have a grand 4 20 at the festival. At 4:20 exactly Richard Paul, one of the well-known protesters, shouted “FREEDOM!!” and lit up a joint in the middle of the festival. About five seconds later three police officers surrounded Paul and arrested him on the spot as the crowd booed in vain.
I had a chance to speak with one of these protestors after the incident was over. He would not give his name, but he was happy to share his views on the matter. “We’re not doing anything wrong,” he started out “we should have the option to put whatever we want into our bodies without anyone telling us what we can and can’t do. It’s ridiculous that the government thinks that they can have this much control over us. It’s unconstitutional, it’s illegal!”
Have a Horror Movie Marathon!
by Katy White
Got nothing to do on Halloween? Have a Horror Movie Marathon! Here are some horror classics to choose from. View at your own risk.
1.)A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984): A group of teens are being haunted in their dreams by a man named Freddy Krueger. He has a terribly burned face, knives for fingers (well, only on one hand), and the intent to kill. Sure, it may just seem like it’s a bad dream. But here’s the catch: Whatever happens to you in the dream, happens to you in real life. There is some good news though: if you never sleep again, you’ll be just fine.
Why you should watch it: This movie is a horror classic, and despite its old age, it still lives up to today’s standards.
2.)Halloween (1978): Six year old, Michael Myers brutally kills his older sister on the night of Halloween. Fifteen years later he escapes from the mental institution and sets out to find his younger sister, Laurie. Oh, and he may kill a few of her friends on the way.
3.)Scream: A year after Sidney Prescotts mother was brutally raped and murdered, new killings began to arise. The killer is a man in a ghost mask, and now he’s after Sidney.
4.)Friday The 13th (1980): Years after Jason Vorhees drowned at camp crystal lake, the camp is finally reopening. The week before opening, the counselors are stalked and murdered at the campsite by an unknown assailant.
5.)Texas Chainsaw Massacre(2003): While driving down a desolate country road in Texas, a group of teens decide to pick up a hitchhiker in distress, who then decides to commit suicide in their van. The kids go off to seek help, but instead they run into a family of homicidal, cannibalistic, inbreds. Watch in horror as these kids run for their lives. Oh, and watch out for leather face; the guy in the leather mask who likes to chase people with a chainsaw in hand.
If you've already seen these classics, here are some others to check out: Saw, The Haunting, The Shining, I.T., Prom Night, Rosered,The Butcher,and Carrie.
Costume Chaos
Tired of the same traditional costumes used every year? Then, here are some unique and original ideas for you!

Monopoly Man - All you have to do for this easy costume is wear a black suit, top hat, cane, and mustache. An additional option if you really want to get into character is to decorate your hat and clothes with actual pieces from the monopoly game; money, houses, dice, and property cards.
Grape - For this costume you have to dress in all purple. Then blow up purple balloons and either pin or tap them to your clothes. It is that simple!
iPod - Decorate a cardboard box replicating the front of an iPod. Cut out a hole for your head in the middle of the click wheel and holes on either side of the box for your arms. You could even attach an iPod player and speakers to the top or inside of your “iPod” so that you can play music!
Banana Bunch - In order for this costume to be successful, you need to get together a small group of friends (4 -6 people). Each person dresses in all yellow and when you go out trick-or-treating, all you have to do is stay in a bunch.
If none of those ideas appeal to you, here are some other ideas; Mario and Luigi, Pac-man, Barbie and Ken, a Lego brick, the middle finger, a record disk, a Crayola crayon, or your favorite candy bar. Just remember that no matter the idea, as long you get into costume it will be a success.
Nightmare New England
Are you terrified of being buried alive? Do spiders make your skin crawl? Does the dark of night blind you with fear? If you answered yes to any of these then Nightmare New England is not for you. With 7 attractions, Raven’s Claw Cemetery, Buried Alive, Night Feeders, Eternal Darkness, Demented, 3-D Freak Show, and Sleep Stalkers you are exposed to every fear anyone could ever anticipate. It starts with chainsaws, needles, blood, spiders, dentists chairs, zombies, maggots and clowns, and, oh, how list goes on. During the night you might find yourself on a lovely stroll through the Raven's Claw Cemetery or wandering through the old hospital with all the patients who are on the slow spiral into insanity. Amidst the foggy lines awaiting terror you can hear screams coming from every house, everybody and from everywhere. You might believe that you are safe in long lines, maybe a moment of peace or a moment to catch your breath but you might just find a horrifying clown breathing down your neck; snarling a demonic version of twinkle-twinkle little star in your ear. So quiet that only you can hear it and only you can feel the fear, the panic.
This scream park is very impressive and is not for the faint hearted, young children, and elderly who do not do well in the cold or standing for a long period of time. The price ranges from the average admission $29.99 to the VIP pass of $49.99. When you get the VIP pass you can skip to the front of the lines, go to the bonfire, use the batting cage, ride the bumper cars and drive the little race cars. With the VIP pass you can also go on the rides as many times as you like in one night unlike the general admission. The VIP pass is a really good idea when you are standing in the cold night in lines that can take up to two hours. This park has received good reviews over all and has gotten a total of four and a half stars out of five.
TGIF, its Friday The Thirteenth

by: Dan Lux
If you are looking for a very scary slasher film series than Friday The Thirteenth is a great series for you. Friday The Thirteenth is the movie with the famous creepy Jason. Jason is the chap that is running around Blairstown, New Jersey looking for the young people that were at the camp where he drown to death. Of course “Jason” can’t be the one killing all these people because he is dead, which brings his mom into this. She took the death of her young son horrifying, and told the group of people that were at the camp that didn’t save her son, that “they would pay”. The mother of Jason goes off killing these young citizens with a mask so people wouldn’t be able to see it was her, but her son believe it was her son Jason. This movie is a well thought out movie in which they were able to come out with sequels that went well with this 1980 motion picture.